HIIT, which means High Intensity Interval Training, was developed 2 decades ago (and now only came to us) by the coaches of athletes who wanted better results. At that time, it was known as “Fartlek” training, consisting of joining the Swedish speed (fart) and play (lek). So it means “play in speed” if you want, which is not far from the truth.In fact, studies that compare HIIT with continuous training at moderate intensity have shown it to be superior to fat burning, despite the fact that it takes less time to perform.One of the first studies to find out whether HIIT is more effective for weight loss was done in 1994 at Laval, Canada. They reported that young men and women who had a 15-week HIIT program lost more fat than those who had a 20-week program of moderate intensity training. This despite the fact that the program with moderate intensity consumed apx. 15,000 calories more than the HIIT program.


Get rid of 2% of body fat in 8 weeks

Sure, theoretically. A 2001 study demonstrated that people who had an 8-week HIIT program had reduced their body fat percentage by 2% in just 8 weeks compared to those who went on a training program at an intensity moderate (made band) that did not lose any fat percentage.


Six times less body fat

Another study, this time in Australia, reported that women who did 20 minutes of HIIT – 8 seconds of sprint followed by 12 seconds of break, lost 6 times more body fat than those who followed a program 40 minutes of cardio at a constant intensity of 60% of their maximum capacity (which you calculate using the following formula MHr = 220 – your age)The main reason why HIIT works so well in fighting fat compared to constant cardio sessions on the lane is to increase and activate metabolism when resting metabolism. Specifically, after your training session, your body continues to burn for another 24 hours after you’ve finished your training.


Is it suitable for bodybuilders?

Although there is a lot of controversy here, the answer is YES.Cardio training at a high intensity for a shorter period of time not only helps you keep your muscles but can actually help build muscle. When you train at a low and constant intensity for a long time, you train your muscle fibers to gain more effort. Do you have any idea how muscle fibers adapt to become more resistant? Becoming smaller and weaker! If the muscle fiber is small and weak, the nutrients do not reach the muscle in time, the nutrients being used for energy and not for the feeding of muscle tissue.


Advantages of HIIT training:

  • Helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy
  • Short, 20 minutes a day are enough
  • tone your muscles
  • Helps you burn fat
  • Increases basal metabolism
  • can be done anywhere, you do not need special equipment


If you are in the beginning, you can start with short intervals and longer breaks. For example, run your knees for 20 seconds at a high intensity (that is, give everything you can) and make a 30-second break, then make 20 seconds with 20 pauses until you get 20 to 10.



  • Heating 3 minutes
  • 20 seconds of running with your knees at your chest
  • 10 seconds pause
  • 20 knees with weight of 5 kg in the arms (back straight, as if you sit on an imaginary chair, come back up)
  • 10 seconds pause
  • 20 seconds fanatical in the bounce
  • 10 seconds pause
  • 20 seconds of flotation
  • 10 seconds pauseRepeat everything 3-4 times.